We already know that distracted driving is a leading cause of vehicle crashes, and the increasing use of hand-held devices is only making the dangers worse. Add to that a whole new problem: [...]
The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has issued a reminder about drone flying guidelines as drones continue to cause safety and privacy concerns across the country. Two new [...]
The nation watched in horrified fascination last fall as prominent, powerful male media and political figures nationwide were fired or forced to resign amid credible accusations of sexual [...]
In desperation, Americans have found a way to protest and resist the suppliers of the powerful opioid drugs that are fueling the worst drug epidemic in U.S. history—product liability lawsuits. [...]
In recent years, corporations have used “forced arbitration” clauses in contracts for a wide variety of products and services that prevent consumers from going to court to redress a wrong and [...]
The term “probate” refers to the validation of a deceased individual’s will, the process of settling that person’s estate. In North Carolina, if a person dies with a will, her or his property is [...]
U.S. government programs that assist low-income Americans with health care costs are a magnet for unscrupulous thieves and fraudsters—many of them licensed health care professionals. It’s [...]
Faced with skyrocketing health care costs, many American consumers try to save money on their prescription medications by buying drugs online from online pharmacies outside the U.S., based in [...]
The world’s largest automotive recall action was the Takata airbag recall, involving as many as 30 million vehicles worldwide produced by 10 of the world’s biggest automakers. As long ago as [...]
Responsible attorneys generally will advise their clients to prepare a legally binding “last will and testament, good advice for any adult, no matter how young or old. Most of us would like to [...]